The aim of an Ursuline education is to help each girl live their life to the full. The Ursuline Learning Framework (ULF) is our school-wide approach to teaching and learning for girls. Our goal is to ‘Ignite the Spirit’ in all College community members; inspiring them to develop a love of learning and enabling them to reach their full potential.
Ursuline Learning Framework
The ULF provides students and teachers with opportunities that expand and encourage rich exploration and critical reflection.
It’s Learning Principles underpin and help our College foster a professional learning community that is committed to student-centred and innovative learning.
The four Principles of the ULF, along with the Ursuline Charism, underpin our teaching practice and pedagogy.
The principles are:
- Quality Relationships
- Collaborative Partnerships
- Flexibility & Responsiveness
- Creativity & Imagination
The Principles are brought to life in our school community through:
- Quality relationships: Inclusive Learning Environments
Quality Relationships create an inclusive learning environment where students are nurtured, connected and encouraged to take risks so that their individual and collective potential is realised. - Collaborative partnerships: Learning effectively with others
Collaborative Partnerships require individuals to take responsibility for their own learning in order to work effectively with others in constructing meaningful ‘new’ knowledge. - Flexibility and responsiveness: Recognising diverse student needs
Flexibility and responsiveness recognises and addresses the individual and diverse needs of students, providing for all to experience success. - Creativity and imagination: Developing critical, reflective learners
Creativity and imagination are inspired by innovative approaches to problem solving, enabling students to actively develop critical, reflective and lateral thinking skills.
Learning skills – the ‘4Cs’
Fundamental to the Principles of the ULF are the Learning Skills of:
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Creativity
● Critical Reflection
Learning dispositions
Working in partnership with these Learning Skills are the Learning Dispositions of:
● Persistence
● Agility and flexibility
● Motivation and drive to learn
● Metacognition
● Problem solving and questioning
The complete Ursuline Learning Framework
Download the complete Ursuline Learning Framework
More information
To find out more about the learning dispositions represented in the ULF, visit the NSW Department of Education