St Ursulaโ€™s alumnae can be found in all walks of life. We encourage our former students to continue to participate in the life of our college community.

Are you a past student?

We love to keep in touch with our former students and staff and find out about your lives after St Ursulaโ€™s.

Many of you have returned to the college as mentors, speakers and guests at our functions. Countless close ties fostered at our school have been strengthened through the many reunions and informal activities held for our alumnae over the years. Hearing about your journey can enrich the lives of our current students.

How to stay connected

As a member of our Community and alumnae, we encourage you to:

  • Follow us onย Facebook
  • Join the officialย Alumnae Facebook Group
  • Attend St Ursulaโ€™s alumnae events such as reunions
  • Stay connected by completing theย Alumnae Register. You will receive biannual editions of our alumni newsletterย Piazza.