Elizabeth Rolls
The Archbishop’s Awards acknowledge the commitment to their faith, academic life, community and social justice of one student from each of 50 secondary schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.
The 2021 awards were presented by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP during a live video conference for the students, their parents and principals on Friday 3 September.
This year’s St Ursula’s College Kingsgrove recipient is Elizabeth Rolls.
Elizabeth Rolls is involved in many ministries in her Parish of St Luke the Evangelist, Revesby. Elizabeth plays violin for music ministry, leads children’s liturgy, is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and an occasional reader of the Word. She has assisted with the Parish Feast Day and anniversary celebrations as well as continuing her involvement with her primary school, playing at Year Six Graduation Masses, and altar serving at celebrations of the Sacraments.
At the College, Elizabeth is Co-Captain of the Amaroo Committee which oversees student rostering of the reading of the Angelus, and organises activities for Harmony Week and R U OK? Week. She has contributed to fundraising and awareness for Caritas, CWF and St Vincent de Paul Society Appeals. Elizabeth is involved in College Masses and liturgies as a reader and regularly assists as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Friday morning Mass.
Elizabeth attended the Ignite Conference, Australian Catholic Youth Festival Perth 2019 and took part in the St Ursula’s Indigenous Immersion to Santa Teresa Parish in the Northern Territory in 2019.
Elizabeth received a medallion and certificate of recognition. The medallion is emblazed with the Archbishop’s Coat of Arms and motto.
Elizabeth’s strong faith and love of Christ is evident through her engagement in parish and school activities.